Programação 2014.1
Ciclo de Estudos sobre Salústio
04/04 ALLEN Jr, Walter. “Sallust’s Political Career”. Studies in Philology. n. 1, 1954.
KENNEY, E. J., CLAUSEN, W. V. (2013) “Sallust”. In: KENNEY, E. J., CLAUSEN, W. V. “The Cambridge History of Classical Literature”. Cambridge University Press. pp. 268280. Chapter DOI:
09/05 Caio Salústio Crispo. Catilina.
23/05 WALKER, Willian. (2006), “Sallust and Skinner on Civil Liberty”, European Journal of Political Theory, 5(3) 237–259.
06/06 Caio Salústio Crispo. Jugurtha.
20/06 FONTANA, Benedetto. (2003), “Sallust and the politics of Machiavelli”. History of Political Thought. 24 (1): 86108.
KAPUST, Daniel. (2007), “Cato’s virtues and The Prince: reading Sallust’s War Whit Catiline with Machiavelli’s The Prince. History of Political Thought. 28 (3): 433448.
04/07 Caio Salústio Crispo. Histórias.